The delivery will be biased towards practical activity, discussion and course literature for candidates will be provided.
Candidate PPE Requirements
We understand administration staff may not normally be issued with ppe, however it is a requirement to bring the following ppe with them.
The personal ppe must consist of
Safety Spectacles
Industrial Gloves
Safety Boots
Course Content
The content of the course will cover
Creating and Maintaining a safe and clean environment
Safety at work
Safety documents
On site risk assessments
Identification of electrical cables
Types of LV cables and HV cables
Specialist tools
Types of cable joints
Model Distribution Safety Rules
Live working Procedures
Mains records
Working vicinity of live conductors/ safe isolation procedures (G39)
Jointing activity
Earthing Systems
This course is for candidates to gain an understanding of the practical skills and knowledge required to:
· Identify safe working techniques
· Identify a range of lv and hv joints
· Identify common cables including High Voltage Cables
· Understand terminology used in the cable jointing industry
· Be aware of Electrical Testing and why it is important
Individuals or client nominated persons who are required or wish to understand more about Cable Jointing activities and materials
This course is perfect for supervisory, auditors and administration team members to understand what the Cable Jointer does and how they do it, and to enable observations to be made on the requirements for safe and effective testing of service terminations.
Candidates will not be assessed as this is an appreciation course
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